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Alternative Livelihoods and Environment

Promotion of Alternative Livelihoods for Tobacco Farmers

The board with the county and national government spearheads a comprehensive range of multisectoral evidence-based measures aimed to promote economically viable alternatives in the tobacco production chain as a way to prevent possible adverse social and economic impacts on populations whose livelihoods depend on tobacco production. A special emphasis is needed in the protection of the environment and the health of persons in respect of tobacco cultivation and manufacture. Tobacco production demands labor in three different sectors: agriculture, manufacturing, and services sector including sales and distribution. Kenya should develop Innovative mechanisms for sustainable alternative livelihoods for tobacco growers and workers which allow them time to diversify into other activities gradually and in combination with the implementation of government adjustment programmes and policies. The following are the key actions:

  • develop a comprehensive and collaborative policy for economically viable alternative livelihoods for tobacco growers
  • Initiate multi-sectorial dialogue with the ministry of agriculture and other relevant stakeholders on viable alternative livelihoods
  • Prepare county profiles for tobacco economics
  • Conduct capacity building of stakeholders within the tobacco-growing counties
  • Identify and link farmers/middlemen to support system
  • mitigate the adverse effects of tobacco farming posed by tobacco growing to human health and the environment
  • Sensitize tobacco growers on the risks posed by tobacco and the benefits of alternative livelihoods
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