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Cessation and Rehabilitation

Tobacco use prevention and Cessation Services

Tobacco users trying to quit need supportive therapy from trained professionals. Tobacco cessation interventions are less costly than other routine medical interventions, particularly the treatment of NCDs like cancers, hypertension, and diabetes which are caused by tobacco use. The board provides regular and tailored counselling interventions for those who meet the criteria for tobacco dependence. Tobacco dependence treatment and cessation programs combine behavioural support (such as psychological interventions, telephone support and self-help) with pharmacotherapy treatment where necessary. Before deciding on which intervention to use, we document tobacco use status and conduct screening. Healthcare providers of tobacco dependence treatment and cessation should receive suitable training. The three main categories of interventions include brief advice by a healthcare professional, behavioural support, and pharmacotherapy Outlined below:

  • To integrate tobacco cessation services at all levels of health care Actions
  • Establish tobacco cessation clinics and services at the National and county levels
  • Train health care workers on tobacco cessation
  • Establish a National Quitline for tobacco cessation.
  • Development of tobacco control content for incorporation into the curricula for all Healthcare providers. Develop content relevant to the different levels of education
  • Train Community Health Volunteers on tobacco cessation
  • Promote cessation services through mainstream and social media
  • Develop and disseminate IEC materials on tobacco cessation


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