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Public Awareness

Raising Public Awareness on the Health, Environmental, Social and Economic Effects of Tobacco

Public awareness is pivotal in the efforts to reduce the growing burden of chronic diseases worldwide attributable to tobacco use and exposure. Comprehensive and active awareness of the population through health promotion strategies. Kenya is a signatory of the World Health Organization (WHO FCTC ) which mandates each Party to promote and strengthen public awareness of tobacco control issues, including the health risks of tobacco consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke, using all available communication tools. Public awareness is also provided for in the Tobacco Control Act, 2007, whereby among other provisions, the Government, in collaboration with partners and civil society is mandated to provide information about the health consequences, addictive nature, and the threat posed by tobacco consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke, and the harmful effects of tobacco growing and handling through comprehensive nation-wide education and information campaign. The Act also provides for the integration of tobacco control content in subjects taught at all levels of education, including informal, non-formal, and indigenous learning systems, as well as tobacco control information dissemination as part of health care services Some key actions include:

  • Implementation of awareness campaigns for targeted settings and groups in the country
  • Undertake mass media campaigns
  • Commemorate World No Tobacco Day
  • Identify tobacco control champions as ambassadors
  • Conduct public tobacco control exhibitions
  • Carry out community awareness campaigns/public forums.
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